
'Solid rotation' (Edges)

The edges are rotate in a way that edge's sticker of the same color are on the same face.

In this example:

  • Red stickers are on the Yellow face;
  • Yellow stickers are on the Blue face;
  • Blue stickers are on the Red face;

For this configuration is still possible to find a rotation that brings both the sticker of one of the 3 edges RY, RB and RY in the right place. (as suggested in the example 'Orientate edges') However, this time is not the best option because leads to a 'three steps solution'. All the other 'sledgehammer' lead to a '2 step solution'.

  Buttons Click these 3 buttons
Brings the Blue sticker onto the Blue face.

The same can be done for any other sticker.

Now the Red sticker goes onto the red face.


Brings the cubie RB onto its final destination.

Now, orienting the other two cubies RY and YB will take other 2 'sledgehammers'.

Now, this is an already known case: Orientate edges