

Now is time for a closer look at the technique to put in place cubies outside the workbench, extending it to the general case when cubies are not favorevoly oriented.

There is a slightly different impact between Corners and edges:

  Buttons Click these buttons

1) Brings the destination cubie from mub onto the 'workbench' at position muf
Moves the cubie YG from rus to muf

The first sledgehammer's move should bring the cubie YG directly in the correct place, the position: muf with BOTH the sticker in the right place (The Y sticker on the Yellow face. The G sticker on the Green face) Some time this is not possible. What we can do is to put at least one sticker on the right fase: the yellow one in this case. So the Sledgehammer is the one starting eith witha R' rotation

Moves the cubie YG from rus to muf

In the same way, the second sledgehammer starts with the rotation F' that brings the sticker G on the Grenn Face

The DEMO adopts a single, less intuitive sledgehammer to do the job.

4) undo the first rotation and brings the cubie YG to its final position: mub


1) Brings the destination cubie from lub into the 'workbench' at position rub
2) 3 3 times Moves the cubie OYG from rdf to rub The first sledgehamme brings the cubie OYG in the right place but the orientation is wrong. The other 2 iterations adgiust the orientation
3) undo the first rotation and brings the cubie OYG to its final position: lub