
Rotation of 5

A common tricky configuration arises when all edges are correctly positioned, except for two edges: YB, RB, swapped together. Normally, in the by layers methods, this configuration is presented in that way who hides an interesting point of view:

The common idea is to swap the edge YB with the edge RB . A better option

is to shift our focus to the 5 cubies: YB, RY, YG, OY, and RB, that resemble the configuration shown below:

2 3 4 5 1


  • - 2, 3, 4 are in the correct order.
  • - The 5 (the edge RB) has intruded from layer 2 (equator), displacing number 1;

Applying a rotation to the five numbers, moving the '1' to the start of the list:

1 2 3 4 5


An anti clockwise rotation of YB, RY, YG, OY, RB, fixes the permutation.

The 'anti clockwise' rotation brings:

  • YB onto the position rus (3rd layer);
  • RY onto the position mub;
  • YG onto the position lus;
  • OY onto the position muf;
  • RB onto the position ref;
  • RB goes in its place automatically (2nd layer).;

  Buttons Buttons Click these buttons
1.1) Brings the cubie YB to its correct (relative) position.
1.2) Brings the cubie RY to its correct (relative) position.
1.3) Brings the cubie YG to its correct (relative) position.
1.4) Brings the cubie OY to its correct (relative) position.
1.5) Makes the rotation just formally complete.
2.1) Reverts the effect on layer 3 of the 5 edges rotation.


Remains the case when edges are oriented that way: Even this configuration can be managed in many different approaches.