The status table helps the user to follow the flow of the solving process.
The picture shows two instances of the 'status' table:
- on the left, the one for the 'DIY' method
- on the right, the one for the 'I' method
- Both the tables show the same cubies sorted with a differen order.
- The white arrow on the left indicates the cubie in the process of sorting.
- The table on the right shows the final state when all the cubies are correctly oriented.
The table on the left, at row 8 shows that the cubie Orange-Blue (OB) at the position 'lef' (left-equator-front) is in the right position and with the right orientation.
The table on the left at row 13 shows that the cubie Blue-Red (BR) at the position 'ref' (right-equator-front) is in the right position but with the wrong orientation.
Clicking on any row will rotate the cube to show the cubie.
(Other small feature are easier to investigate than describe.)